PodMoth is a tirelessly curated collection of weird, odd, and macabre podcasts. We support and advertise up and coming shows as well as established pods and strive to cultivate a community of unique individuals who tirelessly imagine and create. PodMoth was created by a podcaster to allow fellow podcasters the space and time they need to produce their work and hone their craft and as a support network for awesome and potentially overlooked shows.
PodMoth says it's free to join, but what about future monies I make from my podcast?
What you make is yours, for right now and in the future.
If I join PodMoth and I don't like it, can I leave?
You are always free to leave the network. We just ask that you give one week notice so that we can ensure a smooth transition.
Can PodMoth tell me what topics I cover on my podcast?
PodMoth wants you to be creative and speak your mind, however hatred or bigotry of any kind is not welcome here.
I already promote my friends who are also podcasters, do I have to stop promoting them on my pod?
No, but you have to include an ad for a PodMoth show in each episode you release.
Can I invite people to join?
No. The invite/addition of podcasts is at the sole discretion of the admin.
Do I have to sign a contract?
No. PodMoth network members are free to leave at any time and PodMoth does not own any aspect of your show.
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